September 16, 2024


My n a m e is Maj. Walter Johnson, an American Army, currently in Syria for peacekeeping duty. I wish to introduce to you a business of supplying Pharmaceutical active ingredients from India to an American company, I have done this business with an Indian partner until I lost him.

There is an active pharma ingredient oil, which I have supplied to the American company from India through an Indian partner. Right now I am in Syria for a peacekeeping mission, so I cannot execute the business by myself hence I’m seeking your partnership, the Director of the American company has asked me for the contact of the India dealer of the Pharma o i l to enable them to contact them for the supply.

But, I do not wish to give the American company management, the contact of the Indian dealer of the pharma o i l, because of the profit we made in the business last time. We made good profit and it was too encouraging to give away, I intended to present you as the Indian Dealer of the Pharma o i l to the American company (That means that you will stand as a middle person between the American company and original Indian Dealer) so that the American company will not know the source and real cost of the oil.

The Original Indian dealer is selling the oil at the cost of 4,370USD P e r Liter, while the American company bought the oil at the cost of 13,980USD Per Liter. T h e American Company b o u g h t 1500 Liters then. We will get the oil from the original Indian dealer and supply it to the American company and make our profit.

We will get the oil from the Original dealer and supply it to the American Company then we (you and I) will share the profit made on the basis of 60% for you and 40% for me.

Your r o l e must be played perfectly and t h e least I will expect f r o m you is betrayal. Again, I d o nā€™t want the American company to know the r e a l cost or source of the oil,

Awaiting your response

Maj. Walter Johnson

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